An array of permanent magnets can provide the shaping field in stellarators, and the electromagnets become very simple.
The Science
In the fusion-relevant magnetically confined plasma experiments, there are two possible ways to create the required closed “magnetic bottle”. The way used in tokamaks is for the…
Faster, more-accurate calculations of macroscopic force balance opens new possibilities for stellarator design calculations.
The Science
The class of magnetically confined plasma experiments known as stellarators, or “star machines”, necessarily have a complicated, so-called three-dimensional geometry. A set…
Instability conditions for magnetic field growth in stratified turbulence are found to be satisfied in the Sun using novel simulations and scaling analysis.
The ScienceDespite its importance in determining space weather, we still do not completely understand how large-scale magnetic fields on our Sun’s surface are…
The first global interior-magnetosphere-coupled model containing key electron physics of collisionless magnetic reconnection that could lead to improved understanding of dynamic magnetosphere of Mercury and other planets including Earth in our Solar System and beyond.
The ScienceHow the magnetosphere protects a…
High-resolution observations and supercomputer simulations reveal the mechanism that drives explosive events on the Sun
The ScienceExplosive events on the Sun occur over a wide range of sizes, from large-scale solar flares that drive coronal mass ejections to small-scale nanoflares that heat the solar corona to…