Adam Burrows

Professor of Astrophysical Sciences. Director
Program in Planets and Life.
Office Phone
Astrophysical Sciences, Princeton University

The Princeton supernova simulation group, led by Professor Adam Burrows, is actively involved in determining the mechanism, in detail, of core-collapse supernova explosions.  To pursue this goal, the team has created the multidimensional, multi-physics radiation/hydrodynamic code Fornax.  Due to algorithmic innovations, Fornax is roughly five times faster than than previous supernova codes and with it the Princeton team has generated more full-physics 3D simulations of core collapse and explosion than the rest of the world combined.  One goal of the Fornax initiative in the MPPC context is to augment this code with magnetic fields to explore their creation and evolution in the collapse and proto-neutron star cooling contexts to inform the theory of the origin of pulsar and magnetar magnetic fields.